We are ecstatic to announce that Grow Boys! received additional funding support from the Alberta Sport, Recreation Parks & Wildlife Foundation (ASRPWF) today. We are all very fortunate to live in a province that supports initiatives like Grow Boys! through government grant programs. This grant enables us to design and create the type of supportive environment described in our mission and vision statements...
Mission: Provide opportunities for local boys to discover, improve and share their skills in a variety of contexts.
Vision: A society where the unique social, emotional, physical and psychological needs of boys are supported without bias or stereotype.
The funding support we have received from ASRPWF today allows us to provide a full-scale conference for fifth grade boys in Red Deer this May 9th, and it frees up other resources so we can continue working on our broader goal to engage boys in their own happy, healthy growth and development from birth to adulthood and beyond. We are currently conducting research in support of this goal, and are always looking for new opportunities and like-minded partners to help pursue them.